Crinum Addendum (cross posted on another forum)

Joe Shaw
Sun, 12 Nov 2006 08:55:39 PST
Hi Gang,

I thought I was mostly finished with the Crinum Web site, the one that 
describes Marcelle Sheppard's breeding and growing efforts for the past 50 

However, Marcelle is an amazing woman and has grown many hundreds of Crinum 
seedlings and hybrids over the years.  She provided another few dozen images 
that are now up on the WWW.

Since here accident early in the summer of 2005 Marcelle has not actively 
been selling her plants, but she's made good recovery and might restart her 
sales soon--maybe next Spring (not sure).

Anyway, she's a real Texas treasure and I hope y'all enjoy the new photos.

LINK:  More Crinum Hybrids



Conroe TX 

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