New Chinese Lilies

aaron floden
Sun, 12 Nov 2006 06:15:11 PST
 I grow them both Jim. Great plants. Rosthornii is
better than henryi and has fragrance to boot,
something I do not notice in my henryi plants. It alos
flowers later, but I would not be without both of

 Majoense is a gem. I had five flowers last year on my
lone plant. Take nepalense and add in hardiness
(maybe, is nepalense hardy in Z5?), nicer flowers of a
pale creamy green with dark currant purple centers and
a fragrance that is only surpassed in Lilium by
speciosum. Will PM pics later today.

 No problems with them in my garden at all.

 All the best, 

 Aaron Floden

 --- James Waddick <> wrote:

> Dear All;
  I just got a few bulbs of two
> species new to me 
> and I wonder if there's any experience among
> members.

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