Neomarica caerulea 'Regina'

Alberto Castillo
Fri, 17 Nov 2006 11:09:41 PST
Hi David, Jim, Lauw, et al: 
                                      Neomaricas are subtropical forests plants. Neomarica caerulea can be grown and flowered well in deepest shade and in full fierce all sun day long. If your plant gets warmer in full sun (as one can assume) then give it more sun. If you have a really hot spot out of direct sunlight it will flower in it as well. "Regina" means "the queen" as this seems to be a special selection of the smaller normal form of N. caerulea. 
                                      As for nutrients, all these plants come from regions where the soils are extremely well drained (they can also be found in a thick layer of forest debris, like Iris japonica, tectorum wattii, and the like). Such soils are red, acid, high in iron and aluminum and notoriously low in "normal" nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, etc. 
David wrote:
"I do not have ‘Regina’ – I have the ordinary 3’-leaf variety. I’ve been growing it in a large pot for many years, so I don’t know what mix I used when potting it originally. It has been happily producing abundantly flowered scapes every summer. It gets morning sun, but I've read that it's a forest plant, so I’m going to try moving it to a shadier position this year. I give it a very dilute solution of fertilizer with micronutrients every "
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