Crocus laevigatus

John Grimshaw
Thu, 04 Jan 2007 03:03:21 PST
I grow a several clones of C. laevigatus in the open ground. They flower 
from October onwards and I would certainly regard it as primarily an 
autumn-flowering species. It also flowers in southern Greece in autumn, 
presumably taking its cue from the usual environmental factors of falling 
temperature and moisture availability. The old cultivar 'Fontenayi' is 
unusually purple in ground colour, unusually striped on the exterior and 
rather late to flower, certainly usually in December but occasionally into 
January. It is a handy 'bridging' clone to keep the Crocus season alight 
between the autumn and spring flushes.

John Grimshaw

Dr John M. Grimshaw
Sycamore Cottage
Nr Cheltenham
Gloucestershire GL53 9NP

Tel. 01242 870567


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