New Wiki pages

Mary Sue Ittner
Sun, 11 Nov 2007 08:20:13 PST

I'm not finding the time to add many of my Australia pictures, but have 
done two new pages. Both of these genera are endemic to Western 
Australia.  The first reminded us a little of another genus found in 
Australia,  Orthrosanthus, that I grow and we saw, but I didn't think that 
was right. I couldn't find any pictures in the wildflower guides we had 
along to figure out what it was. I'm sure I've sorted it out  since however 
and it is Agrostocrinum:…
You can take your choice for what family it belongs to: Phormiaceae, 
Hemerocallidaceae or Xanthorrhoeaceae. I was lucky to find an article 
online that helped me sort out what species we saw. I'm always thrilled 
with the generosity of authors and journals when information like this is 
shared without a charge so I linked to it on our wiki page.

The second is one of the terrestrial orchids, commonly called enamel 
orchids because of their sheen.…

Mary Sue

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