Scilla/Oncostema peruviana

Jim McKenney
Fri, 19 Oct 2007 09:32:24 PDT
I'm going to give Scilla peruviana a try again this year, partly because of
all the encouraging things people had to say about it awhile back. One of my
local gardening friends claims it's a good garden plant for him, although he
lives in the local palm belt. 

Last night I was reading the account of this plant in the old Bailey
Cyclopedia of 1902. In the account there something is mentioned which I've
never heard before. The claim is made there that this plant never flowers
two years in succession. 

What say those of you who have extensive experience with this plant?

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where Iris iberica has
already put up foliage. 

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