Hello Everyone, I have been lurking and learning for a bit on the list, but thought I might finally jump in on this one and stir the pot a bit. I am new to bulbs and plants for that matter, but have spent 25 years studying reptiles and amphibians, and some of the things I learned during years of breeding frogs might have a connection...... maybe not...... I am for sure a newbie here, so this might have been the topic of discussion many times before. I worked with many frog species, but my passion was, and still is, the Family Phyllomedusinae, a group of Tree Frogs. Phyllomedusa sauvagei, is an interesting species from the Chacoan region of Paraguay that lives in a very arid climate. It has developed a waxy coating to prevent dehydration to survive in these dry climates. Anyways... back to frog breeding. Frogs need water to breed. Species like this must be ready for the smallest storm so that they can lay their eggs in a puddle of water and have the tadpoles develop before the water evaporates. They need to be ready... For years, We thought that it was simple.... the rains triggered the frogs to breed..... So we started building "Rain Chambers" to stimulate rain and trigger breeding..... Keep the frogs hot and dry..... then "rain" on them and they will breed...... Only thing is that it didn't work very often at all... Until I noticed that when it did work, the local weather was rainy or near rainy.... The frogs weren't waiting for the rain. They needed a few days at least to get the eggs ready to lay. They have eggs stored in their bodies during the dry season, but it takes a couple of days to prepare them to lay. So after a few years of this, it finally clicked..... What told them that rain was coming was barometric pressure.... Low pressure..... We were able to reproduce these conditions in a sealed room using a vacuum pump to create the pressure drop..... and it worked.... I discussed this with a friend who has a nursery that specializes in germinating seed and selling liners, and he thought it might cross over to seed germination in some way to those species that have poor germ rates for no reason, many of which are from arid lands..... Possibly blooming could be also be stimulated by barometric pressure...... just my two cents from a plant noob..... Allen Repashy