Lily Beetle - Change of topic
Sat, 13 Dec 2008 12:33:54 PST
Ref: Lily Beetle --- Lilioceris lilii  [Scopoli]  syn. Crioceris lilii

Those visitors to and members of this forum might be interested to read recent information accessible on the following site following a PhD project by an Entomologist Andrew Salisbury working at RHS Garden Wisley in England. The distribution map lacks much in the way of accuracy however there is some very interesting information for those in North America already afflicted by Lily Beetle on either or both Lilium and Fritillaria, or those who might become if gardeners fail to take care during exchanges of plant material or taking infected material to shows for transfer there. The URL which seems to be case sensitive when I accessed it, this is :… 

I would be very grateful and appreciative for information from anyone with knowledge on the distribution of Lily Beetle in North America. It seems extant records show occurrences along the Maritime seaboard of Canada and the USA south as far as the northern edge of the Carolinas but seemingly not in either state?; as well as some of those areas in both countries bordering the Great Lakes. The scale of the map published in Plantsman December 2008 makes accuracy difficult and I can't work out therefore from it whether this serious pest occurs along the Pacific Seaboard yet but I am confident distribution does NOT include the Sea of Okhotsk between Russia Ussuri and Russia Sakhalin!!!!!. Anyone contributing information will be appropriately gratefully acknowledged for their effort in the new book, Lilies & Their Allies.

A brief summary of pertinent aspects of the work by Salisbury as well as others makes it clear that although Lily beetle has been reported on 23 plant genera, recent research indicates that it can only develop on Cardiocrinum, Fritillaria and Lilium.

Incidentally this volume of Plantsman has an interesting article on Crinum in cultivation by Alberto Grossi, p.222-229

I hope the above is of interest and also hope to learn what is known, if anything, about occurrence along the Pacific coastal Provinces and States.


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