C. bulbispermum blooming

Kenneth Hixson khixson@nu-world.com
Thu, 14 Feb 2008 11:17:07 PST
Joe wrote:
>> How about folks along the coast of California, or other similar climates. 
> How does C. bulbisperumum behave for you?

	Here in western Oregon, we had a low of about +14F, then
about 8" of snow.  Most of the bulbispermums froze back to the
bulb, and now have a cone of dead, brown, wet leaves.  However there
are a few seedling (but probably blooming size) bulbispermums
with up to 8" of green leaves.
	Flowering will be in mid-late June, seeds will ripen,
and there will probably be rebloom in August, and again seeds
will ripen.  Not all plants--or even most of them--rebloom,
but our "high" summer temperatures don't prevent blooming.  Our
highs would run 80F to 100F, but usually accompanied by nights
down to the 50-60F temperature range.  Our relatively low
nighttime temperatures make it hard to compare how our plants
perform relative to other areas.  For instance, "corn as high
as an elephant's eye by the fourth of July" is a joke, and
for warm season crops like melons, "50 day" varieties are
more like ninety days.
	Seedlings from last summer's seed, in individual pots
but unprotected, were not harmed by the 14F low and are now
showing green new growth.

	Crinums are not common here, in fact I don't know of
any others in the area.  Folks who've moved up from California
often comment, wondering why.


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