Fw: Greentours San Diego Flora

Ken kjblack@pacbell.net
Wed, 14 Jan 2009 17:29:55 PST
Hello Ian,
Cuyamaca State Park ranges from in elevation from about 4000' to over 6500', and while San Diego County has had some relatively warm weather lately, and all the snow from last month has melted, it is still winter at the higher elevations. (zones 6-7.)  I could be wrong, but I am inclined to believe there would be nothing in bloom yet, and probably not for a month or two at the earliest.  You might have better luck at the low elevations of the Anza Borrego Desert State Park ... another 50 or so miles East, but late January is early even for Desert wildflowers.  If we get any snow in the mountains around that time, it is possible that route 79 into Cuyamaca could be temporarily impassable, or require chains. 

Coastal San Diego, USDA Zone 10-11.

From: Pamela Slate pameladaz@msn.com

Dear Ian,
If the park is in San Diego County, I suggest you inquire at the Botany
Department of the San Diego Museum of Natural History where they have done
extensive work on the country's flora.  If they don't have a plant list
of the
park, maybe the CA State Parks Dept. could help you or they museum botany staff
could direct you to a source.

To: Pacific Bulb Society
Subject: [pbs] Fw: Greentours San Diego Flora

From: "Ian Green" <enquiries@Greentours.co.uk>
To: "Telos Rare Bulbs" <telosrarebulbs@suddenlink.net>
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 3:36 AM
Subject: Greentours San Diego Flora

> Dear Diana, I know its outside your area, but do you know anyone who knows

> the flora of San Diego area, especially Cuyamaca State Park? I'll be
> Jan 25th for a day which is going to be early of course but if there's

> anyone who can give me pointers to any early bulbs etc I 'd appreciate
> Best wishes, Ian Green 


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