Nivenia stokoei

Justin Smith
Sun, 14 Jun 2009 12:44:33 PDT
Hi all,


Earlier this year at the end of winter I mentioned that I had no luck at all germinating any of my Nivenia stokoei seed. 


A few weeks after that when the weather started getting warmer. I had several to sprout, though my germination rate was quite low. Just seeing a few sprout was most exciting. I had them to where they would get cold but yet not freeze. They had smoke treatment also. For some of the seed, this was their second winter and some this was their first winter. I had mixed them up so I don't know if the germinated ones were first or second winter. I am certainly going to try again and put the seed back out this fall and wait until summer before I give up on them.





Woodville, TX 8b/9a

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