Polianthes and Manfreda crosses

Tom Mitchell tom@evolution-plants.com
Wed, 10 Jun 2009 15:29:00 PDT
I've been following the thread on these fascinating crosses with  
great interest. In my part of the world - the west of England - the  
main hardiness issue is not so much cold, as mild, wet, stop-start  
winters, when the ground never freezes. Not an ideal climate for  
succulents but some of the crosses that have been described sound as  
though they would be worth trying in these conditions. I have some  
seedlings of Manfreda virginica, courtesy of a generous fellow PBS  
member, but no Polianthes or intergeneric hybrids.

Would anyone with access to seeds of the species or the hybrids have  
any interest in exchanging them? I have lots of fresh, wild collected  
hellebore seed to swap, as well as smaller quantities of some Balkan  
bulb seeds (spares of which I'll be sending to Dell to distribute  
through the BX). Anyone who might be able to help or who has  
experience of growing these plants in the sort of conditions I've  
described. can contact me via the forum or privately.

Tom Mitchell
Zone 7 and damp, very, very damp

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