Some frits are waking up

Adam Fikso
Tue, 03 Mar 2009 09:00:40 PST
Alberto?  Some of us don't have or use digital cameras.  You do make a 
strong point, though. And it will occur that some materials not only go by 
different names in some countries.  Some  materials  just won't be available 
in the same quantities or forms.  e.g., coir.  But this may lead people to 
loosen up their thinking and consider alternate forms and methods for 
solutions to problems,  e.g., instead of using clay flower pots--try  using 
unglazed drain tiles cut into sections.  Just within the united States many 
materials are not available in the Midwest that are common in say, Texas or 
Oklahoma .  To haul a ton of rock, or sand from Texas to Chicago may be 
prohibitive as to cost, so certain grades of sand cannot be had readily.

There is also the problem that what goes by a name that may be common in 
Oregon, is an unknown in Iowa  It's why we have forums like this, for 
questions and clarification.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alberto Castillo" <>
To: "Pacific Bulb Society" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2009 7:35 AM
Subject: Re: [pbs] Some frits are waking up

Hi all:

        Since there are so many of us in this List from the four corners of 
the world, it would be invaluable if some of you include images of the 
materials you mention. Most probably, the same materials are available 
everywhere but there is always the doubt if you are referring to this or 
that. Not only for fabrics, plastics, etc. but also pumice grades, and mix 
ingredients marketed under local commercial names.

Many thanks

> Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2009 20:07:24 -0800
> To:
> From:
> Subject: Re: [pbs] Some frits are waking up
> Adam wrote,
> >Re styrofoam sheets for putting over plants to protect them.:may be 
> >cheaper
> >at Home Depot than at a Garden Center.
> The "microfoam" I wrote about is not the same as "styrofoam."
> Microfoam is a very thin, light, flexible product that comes in big rolls.
> Jane McGary
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