flower record database

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Wed, 21 Oct 2009 08:58:11 PDT

Giorgio sent me a copy of the flower data base he created for PCs. 
For all of you who are thinking about creating a data base for your 
bulbs or for that matter for your garden and especially for those of 
you who aren't familiar with data bases and would find the task of 
creating one a bit daunting, here is your opportunity. He has made a 
couple of fake entries just so you can see how you might fill in the 
blanks. The site he posted it on is a free file transfer site where 
you can quickly download big files that someone else has posted. I've 
used it before for sharing large files that would take a long time to 
transfer otherwise. They only keep the files up for a week however, 
so if you  have a PC and are interested you should act soon and the 
same when he sends the link to the one for Macs.

It is very generous of Giorgio to provide this to members of this list.

Mary Sue

>the name is    MY FLOWERS.rar
>Link to file:

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