Bloom in the Garden & Greenhouse

J.E. Shields
Mon, 26 Oct 2009 13:53:25 PDT
This time of year, flowers are few and far between around here.  Outdoors, 
one clump of Sternbergia lutea is still blooming, but the near-by group of 
Crocus nudiflorus have already wilted.  In another bed, Colchicum 
atropurpureum has only one or two flowers still showing.

A crocus that has not bloomed for me before is C. cartwrightrianus.  This 
year, it's in flower.  Look for it in an up-coming addition to my blog at:…

In the warm greenhouse, Nerine sarniensis 'Exbury Renoiur' is in 
bloom.  This bulb came from Nicholas de Rothschild in June, 2008.  Other 
sarniensis varieties are in bud or ion bloom as well.  N. bowdenii "Koen's 
Hardy" is still in full bloom, and a pure white bowdenii from Cameron & 
Rhoda McMaster is about to open its buds for the first time.

The Nerine will probably show up in the blog as well.

Jim Shields
in warm and sunny Westfield, Indiana

Jim Shields             USDA Zone 5             Shields Gardens, Ltd.
P.O. Box 92              WWW:
Westfield, Indiana 46074, USA
Tel. ++1-317-867-3344     or      toll-free 1-866-449-3344 in USA

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