Export information

Russell Stafford, Odyssey Bulbs odysseybulbs@earthlink.net
Wed, 20 Jan 2010 15:31:02 PST
Another thing to keep in mind -- the final recipient of re-exported 
bulbs may require an import permit, which may not be required if the 
bulbs originate in the United States.


At 10:54 PM 1/18/2010, you wrote:
>Question about re-export and 'is APHIS is aware of specific import
>requirements for re-export" - Be aware that for commodities that are
>transiting through the USA under a re- export phytosanitary
>certificate, those items are not grown in the USA, nor do they qualify
>for consideration as a product of USA.

Russell Stafford
Odyssey Bulbs
PO Box 382
South Lancaster, MA  01561

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