pbs Digest, Vol 84, Issue 25 re gypsum as an amendment

cgeat25049@aol.com cgeat25049@aol.com
Sun, 24 Jan 2010 06:07:57 PST
I hope I haven't opened a Pandora's box with the suggestion that  gypsum 
will amend clay soil. This was many years ago and I used it on a cubic  yard 
that was used to fill a raised bed.  I don't remember how much was  used but 
I was buying it in five pound bags so it couldn't have been too much.  As I 
mentioned in my original letter, once I mixed it in. I could pick up a  
handful and pour it out like sand. I also remember reading an article from a  
botanical garden that had a huge bed of clay.  They didn't even mix in the  
gypsum but applied a layer over the surface and it worked it's way in.  I  
will try to do some research since some members apparently tried it with no  
 Cherry G

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