More Candy Lily stuff and etc

Diane Whitehead
Fri, 01 Jan 2010 14:31:06 PST
It would be worthwhile to have photos of the seeds put on the wiki,  
especially the wild-collected ones.


>  I dichotoma two wild collected  from Shanxi Province, and Jilin  
> Prov., China
> 	All of these look like typical dichotoma seed - vaguely
> spindle shaped (wider in the middle, narrower on both ends with a
> small flattened 'wing' along one side. Color dark brown to black.
> 	There were more numerous seeds of I domestica all like small
> black peas, round, shiny and dark.
> 	As you may know, the fruit of I dichotomoa is a thin walled,
> elongate, roughly 3-sided pod. The fruit of I domestica is a cluster
> of seeds reminiscent of a blackberry (giving it one common name of
> 'Blackberry Lily').

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