Visiting plants people

Uli Urban
Sat, 24 Jul 2010 00:58:00 PDT
Dear Lee and Dear All,

Yes.....!!! I fully agree that it always is a great experience to visit
other plant people and their collections. Most if not all of them are a
very friendly breed of people and on many occasions I have been given
plants, cuttings or seeds very very generously. Especially during the
time I lived and worked in England I was treated so generously that I
almost felt ashame as in those days I rarely had anything to return.
Now I have the problem of lack of space (and time) and have to limit
myself quite often...... greenhouses are ALWAYS too small and always
Many of the people I visited for their plants have become friends and
mutual visits have resulted and regular contacts remain.
So I do encourage like minded people to get in touch with each other and
do extend this invitation to people who come to Germany..... I am always
willing to receive people. And thanks to Lee and others who received me
during my trips to the US.
I also would encourage you to open your garden to the public on special
days. We have such a scheme here in my area for some time and it is
running very sucessfully. I think the idea to open private gardens to
the public comes from England. After some hesitation and fears I spoke
to the intiators of the local scheme (who themselves live in a wonderful
setting of an old nursery turned into a live-in-greenhouse) and they
convinced me there was no risk. Since I open my garden and greenhouse
twice a year I have ALWAYS had wonderful days with a lot of sympathetic
people turning up. Most striking is how many unknown knowledgeable
people live nearby...... And another more selfish side effect is that I
know "they" will be coming.... so it helps me keep things more
tidy...... and less crammed...... I'm sure you know what I mean.....

Greetings from a very warm summer in Germany..... heat lovers are
performing well for once!      Uli

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