California Spring

Uli Urban
Thu, 18 Mar 2010 16:24:00 PDT
Dear All,

I will come to California from April 3rd to April 16th to see the spring
flowers, some gardens and nurseries. My interests are bulbs, yes, of
course, but much more varied than "just" them and can perhaps best be
subsumed under the term 'conservatory plants' . Can anybody of you
recommend places (both nature and nursery or garden) that are
particularly interesting? Huntington and Strybing are already "booked".
It may be off topic, so please e-mail me privately if you feel it is off
topic. Arriving in Los Angeles and Leaving from San Francisco I hope to
see some beautiful scenery. I heard of a place in Los Angeles called
Xotix-Tropico but could not find any information on the web. Does
anybody know this place and can help me out with adress and telephone

With many thanks and greetings from Germany.   We had the first spring
day today..... at last...... after a terrible killing winter.... 


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