Lapageria rosea

kuang huang
Fri, 17 Sep 2010 12:39:38 PDT
Hi Jim, I have purchased small plant few years ago from the vendor( forget the 
name) , I have grown them under the shade out side and past few years I have not 
have a problem. Only thing I remember is not to disturbe the root too often and 
use well drain soil. This year I repot it to a bigger pot, it was kind of 
sitting there not growing until last month I see the new leaves come out, and 
guess what. there are 4 flower bud showing. I was excited and happy. Today, 
there are two flower open up, and they are beautiful red color and waxy as I 
touch. If I get home I will take picture if you want to see them. By the way, I 
live in Southern California, where the whether is dry when Santa Ana Wind start 
blowing in the winter season, however since I live near seashore, the cool 
whether and marine layer does help a lot for this plant to be successful.


From: James Waddick <>
To: Pacific Bulb Society <>
Sent: Thu, September 16, 2010 9:38:15 PM
Subject: [pbs] Lapageria rosea

Dear Friends,

    Thanks to a fellow PBS er, I just got a few seedlings of Lapageria rosea.  
This may be totally futile, but as I looked around I saw little info on my 
favorite site: The PBS wiki. In fact, there is no entry at all.

    So a few Qs for more knowledgeable PBSers:

    Does Lapageria rosea have a bulb (tuber or enlarged root)?

    Has anyone outside of Greater San Francisco especially the mid-west had 
success with this species?

    I know UC Bot Garden Berkeley has a great collection but who else even grows 

    Can anyone suggest good growing conditions?

    Any words of warning?        Thanks        Jim W.

-- Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
    Summer 100F +


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