The bulbs which perennalize? naturalize?

Thu, 30 Sep 2010 09:40:42 PDT
While it is true that Jane's "try everything" is the ultimate test of
perenniality (sorry if that word does not yet exist!) I do think that
"Fierycloud" has a valid point. There is no data base that I know of to
cover even the climate (really, it's the temperature) limits for many bulbs.
Sure, there is information put out by well-known growers for species of
tulips and daffodils, with far more limited bases for their hybrids and
there are some to help people for a few other genera. There's much work to
be done in establishing a data base for a wide range of genera. Many would
find it useful especially if other climatic factors such as the presence or
absence of summer rain were included in a systematic way. 

Going beyond that, to include soil conditions and pests, as Jane suggests,
is unlikely to be accomplished except in a qualitative manner. That's where
personal intuition and general experience counts. Of course, that's why many
of us grow bulbs, to find out what, where and how to grow them.

Andrew Wilson
San Diego   

"Fierycloud" in Taiwan wrote:
>I always have a question that which commercial available varieties and
species would perennialize in which climate zone, but I just can't find a
comprehensive information. Only some web-shop would marked some of their
bulbs as vigor, perennializing and naturalizing for the location where the
shops are.

Jane McGary wrote:
I think it's not possible to predict this based only on climate. Many other
factors affect how a bulbous plant can perennialize in one spot or another,
including drainage, and especially the presence of predators and diseases.
For example, some people in my own area say they cannot grow Narcissus
because they always die. This may be caused by bulb fly, or perhaps by bad
drainage. ..... In summary, it would be difficult for me to say what bulbs,
other than Colchicum, "perennialize" in my own area, and it would be even
more difficult for vendors to say, because most of them offer stock that's
grown under very artificial conditions and never allowed to perennialize.
The only advice I can offer is one of the best pieces of advice ever given
to me: "Try everything."

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