wiki bits

James Waddick
Sat, 26 Mar 2011 07:06:11 PDT
Dear PBSers,

	Although I ashamedly admit to incompetence when it comes to 
posting to the wiki, Jacob Knecht has kindly added a couple pix to 
the wiki for me. I am alerting you to these for your almost spring 

	Impatiens flanaganae is a plant that is rare in cultivation, 
but I acquired my tubers from the amazingly generous PBS BX via PBS 
member Ernie De Marie.…

	John Grimshaw earlier provided a fascinating summary of the 
few species of tuberous Impatiens from S. Africa.…

	My tubers proved somewhat tempermental about  growing in my 
Missouri prairie-edge climate. They did well when received in late 
winter grew nicely only to seem to die in the heat of mid-summer. I 
moved the lifeless looking pot into the shade until fall when it went 
to the cool greenhouse and they rose again with increased vigor. 
These pix were taken recently and they continue in bloom.

	I wrote recently when these Leucojum were in bloom, but now 
provide a picture.…

	Once again the amazing John  Grimshaw has commented earlier 
on this list about this cultivar being multi-petalled, not a double 
in the strictest sense. One of the pictures makes this obvious. 
Fortunately Leucojum do very well for me and although I have just had 
this for a short period, it has begun to mutliply.  It blooms 
synchronously with L. aestivum carpaticum.

	... and 'NO'. I cannot provide any commercial source or my 
anonymous donor.

	Thanks, Jacob, Ernie, John and all who keep the wiki and PBS 
a vibrant location for uncommon bulbs and Jim Murrain my resident 

	Enjoying a hint of spring, even with a forecast of snow		Jim W.
Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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