terrestrial orchids

Joyce Miller Miller7398@comcast.net
Sat, 12 Nov 2011 11:58:16 PST
Dear Glen,

    Welcome to PBS.  I live in Gresham Oregon and have a small bed devoted 
to terrestrial orchids.  I also have an all season greenhouse with some 
epiphytes.  The former are partly purchased but many are small clones I was 
able to harvest during my work at University of California at Davis 
Botanical Conservatory.  The Botanical Conservatory was not geared for 
growing on small sections of orchids.  It was a teaching conservatory.  A 
Cattleya division has to be at least 5 - 7 pseudobulbs in order to expect 
blooms following repotting.  Sometimes, there were small divisions left over 
(2 to 3 pseudobulbs) and I was permitted to take them.   LT 5 but GT 2 might 
be potted for the annual plant sale. Otherwise, they would be discarded and 
put in the university compost beds.

    Best wishes, Joyce Miller, Gresham, Oregon USDA 8.

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