Annual Veratrum request

Kipp McMichael
Mon, 12 Sep 2011 18:58:21 PDT


  As luck would have it I was camping in Sequoia National Forest in the California southern Sierra this weekend and found a nice stand of V. californicum with mature seed. I collected the open-fruited bloom stalks from several different clumps. I have exact location data. Let me know what I should do about storing and sending these to you. If possible, I'd love to trade for some Crocosmia. I have the usual red-orange form collected from the roadside years ago and would love anything different from that...

  I addition, I know the location of a population of V. fimbriatum. It's a few hours north from my house along the coast. If you'd like to reimburse me for gas, I could make a special trip there to check for seed. I assume V. fimbriatum matures seed in late summer too? If you'd just as soon wait until I'm next there on my own, I'll be sure to check for seed for you. 

  I'm not a Veratrum fanatic, but I do like to see people doing good work curating plant collections. There are never enough.


> From:
> Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2011 21:27:43 +0100
> To:
> Subject: [pbs] Annual Veratrum request
> Every year at about this time I start to fret about the uncollected Veratrum seeds maturing rapidly around the world. With sincere apologies to those whom I have bored with this request in the past, can I repeat my plea that anyone who has access to wild populations of Veratrum or its sister genus Melanthium get in touch? I'm working hard on assembling a comprehensive collection of Veratrum species but am missing authentic material of the common North American species V. californicum and V. viride. I'd love to obtain V. insolitum and V. fimbriatum from California but I realise these two species are exceedingly rare. Still, if you don't ask...
> I have lots of bulbs - including many Crocosmia cvs, to pick up on Jim W's recent thread - and seeds to swap and would also happily reimburse anyone prepared to make a special seed collecting trip for any of these species. 
> Tom
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