desert merremia

Leo A. Martin
Thu, 29 Sep 2011 17:35:31 PDT
Uli schreibt

> A few years ago, I remember a contribution mentioning a Merremia species
> (yellow tuberous morning glory but I do not remember the name) native to
> the south western US rambling over the gates of one of those botanical
> gardens in the South West and, and that is the point, scattering its seeds
> all over on the pavement. Does that ring a bell with someone? Would
> someone  be willing to help me in getting a starting portion of seed of
> that Merremia? Please contact me privately for details of payment etc. Or
> could this go through the BX?

Good memory; that was my post about Merremia aurea, native to Baja
California and northwestern continental Mexico, and the gate outside
Webster Auditorium at the Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix. I started some
plants this summer but they are too small to bloom yet. I plan to send
seed to the BX regularly once they do. Those of you in the southwest
growing this should save seeds and send them to Dell. This is a really
rewarding plant that grows well in a container. By coincidence I just
looked for it on the Wiki and it's not there. I can write something about
it for the Wiki but don't have any photos.

The seeds are about the size of a small garbanzo (chickpea) so will need
some protection during shipping.

Leo Martin
Phoenix Arizona USA

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