New Images Added to the Edgewood Gardens Web Site

John T Lonsdale
Mon, 09 Jan 2012 18:17:29 PST


What were you doing at 7:43am on January 16th 2011?  Although the
temperature was well below freezing, love was in the air, at least for our
resident foxes ( Using an unusual configuration,
which I had to validate through Google Images, they didn't seem to be
particularly enjoying the moment, but must have been successful, judging by
the fox cubs we had playing in the garden later in the year.  On the same
page you can also see the fruits of the labors of Mr. and Mrs. Raccoon.  Two
of the cutest babies you have ever seen ( played
around in the garden for a few weeks in the summer, even though we no longer
saw their parents after we put baffles on all the bird feeders.  Apart from
eating the bird food in very large quantities, they also wore some rather
robust paths through large patches of Phlox stolonifera and Anemone
nemorosa.  We haven't seen any of them since just after the photos were
taken in late July.   You can also see the local does
( viewing the garden from the best place -
outside the deer fence.  Culls in surrounding parkland by sharpshooters have
reduced the numbers somewhat, but they still do massive damage to the
environment, however nice it is to have them around.


I've updated the Edgewood gardens web site (
<> ) with around 1450 new images.  You can
choose to view just the updated images, or find them amongst all the others,
arranged by family or season.  Plants can be seen at and general garden views and the family cats are
at  We have a 'new' cat that comes here for the
weekend most weeks.  Kingston has taken on the role of lookout


I've also done some more clearing out of old images.  This year I bought two
new lenses for my Canon EOS 50D - an EF-S 17-55 f/2.8 IS USM fast zoom lens
and an EF 100mm f/2.8L IS USM Macro lens.  Up to 4 stops of image
stabilization with both means I can get hand-held perfectly sharp shots down
to below 1/8th.  These two lenses perfectly complement the EF 70-200mm f/4L
IS USM telephoto zoom I bought last year and the image quality from all 3 is

I continue to grow more hardy cacti ( in the
garden.  Not only are the flowers spectacular, their forms and spination are
attractive year round.   I did have to invest in some new needle-stick proof
gloves and long forceps.  A combination of twin-wall polycarbonate sheets
and row cover keeps the less hardy ones warm and dry in winter, meaning
there are hundreds of different taxa which can be grown successfully.  They
are complemented by some beautiful agaves, yuccas and stunning succulents
(, especially the x Aloinanthus hybrids
( offered by Bill Adams at Sunscapes Nursery in
Pueblo, CO, and Delosperma Fire Spinner ( from
Panayoti Kelaidis.  Viola pedata ( enjoys the
same conditions.  Edgeworthia chrysantha in several forms
( continues to be the best shrub in the whole
garden and Fritillaria eduardii was lovely this year

There are a lot of new photos of woodland plants - Anemonella thalictroides
continues to seed everywhere (, and the 'orange'
form of Claytonia virginica is stunning (  The
unseasonably warm fall and early winter made for great flowering conditions
for snowdrops ( Galanthus reginae olgae
selections like the gorgeous Fotini ( and early
flowering forms of G. elwesii ( were especially
nice.  Spring conditions were especially kind to hellebores, including H.
niger ( and H. x hybridus (for example and lots more pages).  Some doubles that I raised
from seed from a yellow Party Dress strain flowered nicely - in a whole
range of colors that included some lovely peaches and apricots
( It was also a great spring for Hepatica
acutiloba and jeffersonias (, with seedlings of
J. diphylla flowering well for the first time, with the added benefit of
great foliage I got some nice images of
Mertensia lanceolata and virginica (  As usual,
there are lots of photos of Trilliums, my favorite being the first flowering
here of the yellow form of Trillium decumbens (
and the tremendous variation within Trillium cuneatum - often considered a
less glamorous species (  


Please enjoy the images, feel free to drop me a note with any comments, and
let me know if I've messed up any of the names.  


Thanks and all the best,





John T Lonsdale PhD
407 Edgewood Drive,
Exton, Pennsylvania 19341, USA

Home: 610 594 9232
Cell: 484 678 9856
Fax: 315 571 9232

Visit "Edgewood" - The Lonsdale Garden at  <>

USDA Zone 6b

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