Facebook Page

Bulborum Botanicum bulborum@gmail.com
Mon, 21 Jan 2013 04:06:34 PST
Why not do both
I post on Facebook and the wiki
its more fun to see What people have in flower at that moment
for that I like facebook more
I see the wiki more as a library where you just post your best pictures
easy to find back and with a correct text
Now we just get a list form plants in flower in somebodies garden
then you have to go to the wiki to see what belongs to the name

an other thing is that it will be a good advertisement for the PBS
I am now one month active on facebook and learned over 100 new people
interested in what I am doing

So use both and if it doesn't work for you
it isn't necessary to use it , just an other possibility to reach people


2013/1/21 Paul T. <ptyerman@ozemail.com.au>

> >
> Why do we need a facebook page?  Isn't that what
> the Wiki is for?

R de Boer
La Maugardiere 1

Phone./Fax 0033-232-576-204
Email:   bulborum@gmail.com
Facebook: https://facebook.com/pages/Bulborum/…

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