Amaryllis belladonna flowering

Mary Sue Ittner
Wed, 27 Aug 2014 07:47:00 PDT

I've continued to have bulbs with flower spikes in my garden earlier 
than usual and more than usual so my experience has been different 
than Andrew's in southern California. But severe drought for us is 
still much more rain than severe drought for him. I probably didn't 
need to add any more photos of Amaryllis belladonna to the wiki as it 
was already well represented. But I have added photos my husband has 
recently taken of some of the displays in our town and seen on our 
hikes as they are widely planted. I wonder if you see these kind of 
displays in South Africa. Someone has planted a hillside below my 
husband's office. They get no supplemental water other than rainfall, 
but are very exposed. This year they were really amazing. (Third row 
of photos in the link below are the new ones.)…

Mary Sue

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