Zephyranthes citrina vs. flavissima

James SHIELDS jshields46074@gmail.com
Mon, 24 Feb 2014 17:40:30 PST
Thanks you Alberto, George, and Steven!  You are all very helpful.  I
received some flavissima and some citrina, and I may have gotten the labels
a little mixed up.....   Now I can just sort them out when they bloom.

I have found descriptions of citrina (Flora of North America, John Bryan's
"Bulbs" etc.) but none of flavissima. I can't find either of their original
descriptions on the WWW.  So I am grateful for your help.

Jim Shields

At 07:36 PM 2/24/2014, you wrote:

Citrina is winter dormant with no leaves, foliage is a dull pea green,
quite narrow and rather lax. Few leaves. Flowers are regular and an intense
yellow, with more of boiled egg yolk yellow.

like here


and here


or here


http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/… Left image

Flavissima is an aquatic plant and under good water conditions foliage is
evergreen although the plant is dormant in summer without losing its
leaves. Leaves grow in fountain fashion and the bulbs are strongly
offsetting rapidly forming a lawn, strikingly resembling Ophiopogon
japonicus tufts, althouth of a different green. The leaves are a fresh
green, shining, not dull. The yellow is not so deep as in citrina but  more
a canary yellow. The flowers tepals are evidently subequal, that is the
three outer are not exactly like the three inner as in citrina. This is
typical of flavissima as well.

Here an excellent photo of the foliage


here excellent examples of the "pleated" tepal typical of flavissima and
not so common in most Zephyranthes and Habranthus we know.


James Shields             jshields46074@gmail.com
P.O. Box 92
Westfield, IN 46074

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