vinyl blinds as plant tags (was Re:New Moraea hybrids, 2015)

Tue, 26 May 2015 12:01:01 PDT
I also use old cut-up blinds and love them. They are easy to see and read. I
also plant regular labels under the dirt because some critter loves to steal

I use pencil and waterproof ink on front and back of labels. The pencil
lasts longer outside, but they are about the same inside the plant room.

I have also started using a white permanent marker on the outside of my
pots. I learned to do this when taking plants to a local garden sale. It is
easier for shoppers to see what they are getting.

   Marguerite - Descanso California, alt, 3500 feet in the foothills east of
San Diego
                My current favorites are the Irises, which have been
		    mightily despite winter's continuation and seemingly
gallons of rain!      	

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