Arisaema triphyllum

Sun, 27 Aug 2017 13:44:57 PDT
My research indicates the rust is specific to more than one Arisaema species.
This is from the NARG newsletter of May/June, 2016

On the Lookout for Pests and Pathogens 
Maryanne Gryboski 
Two sizable colonies of Arisaema sikokianum showed signs of rust in my garden. I
immediately began digging them out for trash pick-up and dashed off an email to
the Ag Experiment Station. Here's what I learned: 
Jack-in-the-pulpit rust (Uromyces ari triphylli) is specific to that host plant
only, so other genera will not be affected by this rust fungus. The soil does
not need to be treated or removed. The fungus survives on plant mater-ial only,
so proper sanitation of infected plant material is sufficient (removal from the
site and disposal). Rust spores travel via wind and rain and they could be
coming into the garden from surrounding areas. If plants become infected, you do
not need to remove the entire tuber; cutting off the upper portion is sufficient
and the tubers will sprout again next year. This can, however, weaken the plant
and cause its demise if repeated annually.

This Journal Article points to it as well.

Studies on the Isolation and Growth of Plant Rusts in Host Tissue Cultures and
upon Synthetic Media. II. Uromyces ari-triphylli 
Victor M. Cutter, Jr. 
Vol. 52, No. 5 (Sep. - Oct., 1960), pp. 726-742 
Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd. 
DOI: 10.2307/3755872 
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Jo Canning,
Vancouver Island, BC, Canada

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