calochortus viewing

Kipp McMichael
Fri, 22 Dec 2017 16:10:58 PST

  You will be challenged to catch more than 2 or 3 cat's ear taxa in bloom on one trip. C. tolmei blooms as early as March along the coast near Pt. Reyes but as late as June or July among inland populations near Redding (though these are possibly C. elegans). Likewise, the southernmost population on the San Francisco peninsula can bloom as late as June or July in their heavily shaded forest locales. The inland Oregon and N. California species are dependent on snow melt times and weather and can bloom anywhere from late May to late July.

  If the non-cat's ear Calochortus interest you, you could take a trip to San Luis Obispo County in mid-May and, in a day driving around, see 6 or 7 Calochortus taxa. If you took a trip to the area near Lebec, CA in mid June you could see 5 or 6 taxa in a daytrip.


From: pbs <> on behalf of Diane Whitehead <>
Sent: Friday, December 22, 2017 3:15 PM
To: Pacific Bulb Society
Subject: [pbs] calochortus viewing

I've made many trips to see flowers in Oregon and northern California, usually in spring, starting at the end
of February (Trillium rivale was in flower) and then in late summer for lilies.

I have missed most calochortus, though I have seen the yellow amabilis or maybe it was pulchellus.

I've gone through the Gerritsen/Parsons book and made notes of when and where various species flower.
However, perhaps someone has a good area to recommend, and a best time to suggest.

I'd like to see a wide range.  I particularly like the cat's ears species.

Diane Whitehead
Victoria, B.C. Canada

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