Hello everyone, Thanks for all your responses, every bit of information helps, I will post my results further along the way. I offer now a new topic: How to grow plants from the Alstroemeriaceae family This species, both grow in lomas ecosystem in the coast of Lima - Peru and scattered in higher areas. * Alstroemeria lineatiflora: This plant grows under the rocks, they have a dry seed coat and flower in october- november. I tried to germinate the seeds by removing the seed coat and sowing them in moist premix soil. But after a month I saw the seeds disintegrate, dont know if its to hot (because I did it in the summer), the soil is too moist or maybe I should not remove the seed coat since it removes itself anyway. I read information about it, and it says they germinate after 6 - 12 weeks. The area where they grow is starting to get attention of farmers that grow Pine, Eucalyptus, Casuarina, Pomegranate, Cypress, Geranium,etc. (Yep right there in the middle of a desertic area that gets 6 months of dry season) so maybe it would be good idea to transplant some of them inside the area that is sort of protected by an association that is doing an ecotouristic circuit there https://goo.gl/n2eP56/ * Bomarea ovata: This plants have the same growing habits of Alstroemeria and flower in Ausgust - September. I do not have seeds of Bomarea ovata, but Im gonna try to get them this year; problem is the area is very disturb, just last year people started to established houses there, also farms of chikens and pigs, all very unsanitary; adding to that, farmers let goats graze everywhere, so I saw the plant flower and after a month I came back and it was all gone. I did collect 3 small potatoe looking tubers that belong to this species., though I believe this is not a mean of propagation . https://goo.gl/fqMBCx/ Questions: > Any special advice to germinate Alstroemeria and Bomarea from seed? > How long should I wait for them to germinate? > Any good tutorial about propagating both species from rhizome? Does it need special care? > When would it be a good time to propagate from rhizome, when they are dry (summer) OR when they start developing the leaves again (mid winter) before they flower? > Is there a way to put some substance in the leaves so it scares the goats away so they can let the plant produce fruit? >If you were in my position in order to save the species would you use seeds or rhizomes to propagate them? Best regards Norton