Lycoris misc - Found

Tony Carter
Sun, 26 Feb 2017 11:00:14 PST
Jim and David,

Thank you for all of this content.  The Kurita et al
<> is a fantastic resource.  I have
read through all of the previous discussions I've found on the subject and
it has helped me a great deal but some of it (probably more than I realize)
I do not yet understand.

Of particular issue for me is the chromosomal relation to sterility versus
fertility.  I gather that in Lycoris, triploids are generally sterile or
very close to it and that diploids are generally fertile although there are
apparent, notable exceptions .  I would like to be able to understand why
at a basic level.  With L. Straminea for example, is it because it has an
odd number (2n = 19) or for some other reason?  I have used Google to
search things like 'basic plant genetics' and read a few articles but am
having trouble finding a good primer on karyotypes beyond what Jim laid out
in a past message.

In a recent message Jim suggested larger plants and apricots or
blues/purples as good hybridizing goals.  It all interests me but the blues
and purples do in particular.  I'm in zone 8a and so am not very restricted
by cold hardiness.  What potential, available parents would be good
candidates for this?

Thank you,
Tony Carter
TX 75065
Zone 8a

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