
Anita Roselle
Fri, 24 Mar 2017 06:16:27 PDT
I would like some input on a problem that I have with Arisaema sikokianum.
I can grow it from seed with no problem, then transplant it to small pots
with Pro Mix potting soil, it grows beautifully. Then when I plant it in my
garden it shrivels up and dies, even a full grown plant given to me grew
one season and then died.

I have had my soil tested and it was extremely acid, would this have caused
the quick demise of my plants? I have not had this extreme a reaction to my
soil by other plants but many plants do not do as well as I would like.

I have applied the right amount of lime but am hesitant to plant again.
I have about 40 small pots of A. sikokianum that I don't want to kill.
When lime is applied how often does it have to be done again?

There are a few native Jack's in the woods but not as many as I would like,
maybe they are affected by the acid as well. Any suggestions on this
situation would be very welcome, I am a good grower and this really
frustrates me. If it is not the acid what could it be, there has never been
any pollutants on my property, it is a north slope partly wooded hillside
that has never been anything else.

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