Zephranthes 'Kathryn'

Jay Yourch jay.yourch@gmail.com
Sat, 14 Jul 2018 17:53:00 PDT
Back in 2009 I flowered some young rain lilies resulting from hybridization
of Zephyranthes 'El Cielo' with Z. 'Big Dude'. While all of the seedlings
from these crosses were excellent, one was especially pretty. I named it
after my daughter, Kathryn, and distributed a few bulbs to other
collectors. One of the bulbs was given to PBS member Tony Avent of Plant
Delights Nursery. Evidently it did well for Tony, because while visiting
Plant Delights open house today I noticed Z. 'Kathryn' for sale.

I don't make any money from the sale of Zephyranthes 'Kathryn', just the
satisfaction of hopefully brightening other gardens.

Here is the link to the PBS listing for Z. 'Kathryn':

Here is the link to Plant Delights Nursery listing for same:


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