Hippeastrum reticulatum germination

Shane Simonsen shane.simonsen@icloud.com
Sat, 26 May 2018 19:33:40 PDT
Hi everyone

I had a bit of luck today. I had previously collected Hippeastrum reticulated “Mrs Garfield” that I remembered reading was a hybrid and possibly sterile. More recently I got a clone that was supposed to be pure reticulatum (much smaller, rounded leaves). When they flowered at the same time I hand pollinated and managed to get some seed off the pure species that just ripened today. 

My question is- how should I approach germinating the seed? They look like little cannonballs much like Canna seed that I usually do a hot water treatment on to get going, unlike the usual flat flakey Hippeastrum seed I am used to. Any advice?

Shane in Australia
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