
Lee Poulsen wpoulsen@pacbell.net
Wed, 10 Oct 2018 11:42:10 PDT
Martin, do you read/write Spanish? Because there is a very active Tigridia group on Facebook based in Mexico that already has a regular and well-coordinated seed exchange they’ve developed. They have many enthusiasts all over Latin America, and many of them are novices and initially enamored of all the T. pavonia varieties and colors. So much of the seeds donated are of T. pavonia types. However, they are becoming more knowledgeable, and there are some very knowledgeable people who recognize other species. They’re getting more species donated, but those are highly desired so they tend to give them first to people who have donated to the exchange. A number of the members live in areas where other species grow and will often post pictures of flowers they see while walking in the forest or along the edge of town, ask about the species, and then someone will identify it. Then of course, everyone asks them to go back and collect seeds, which they sometimes are able to do. Also, several key members appear to have become friends with university researchers and are working on getting seed from more of the rare and unusual species to eventually offer in the seed exchange. They also want to include related genera—which in some cases are just as rare, unusual, and desirable. (Several of us mentioned a long time ago that geophytes from Mexico seems to be conspicuously less available or researched, other than all the Thad Howard-related efforts, than from other major areas of Latin America.)

I suppose you could rely on the translate feature of Facebook; it probably does a good enough job with Spanish. Even if you can't always obtain seeds you’re looking for, it’s still fun to see a local person post a photo of some really cool species I’ve never seen before that they happened upon while walking home from the store.

Just checked and the group has become huge now, more than 5000 members! It’s called Cultivo de Tigridias.

--Lee Poulsen
Pasadena, California, USA - USDA Zone 10a
Latitude 34°N, Altitude 1150 ft/350 m

> On Oct 10, 2018, at 4:48 AM, Garak <garak@code-garak.de> wrote:
>  Yes, I'm totally in love with the genus (or the whole tribe) and love makes blind. So if anyone on the list knows reliable suppliers of any Tigridia besides pavonia, orthantha, VanHouttei subsp. VanHouttei, immaculata and chiapiensis, I'd love to know.

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