Mystery bulb about to bloom

Cody H
Mon, 08 Apr 2019 19:57:25 PDT
It looks to me like one of the South American amaryllids such as
Phaedranassa or Stenomesson.

On Mon, Apr 8, 2019 at 7:31 PM M Gastil-Buhl <> wrote:

> I posted my mystery bulb to the wiki.
> Soon it will open and I will have more clues. I have had this bulb a long
> time, since the late 1990's, but it has never before put up a bloom stalk.
> It has been a lot of effort to keep it alive in the ground where it cannot
> tolerate even the lightest frost and has been exposed to gophers and
> careless feet. So last August I dug it up while its leaves were dormant and
> potted it to keep under cover. The leaves die back when the soil dries but
> I've noticed it will stay green if I water it. Then more leaves emerged
> from bulbs I missed seeing so I had to build it a frost cage. The most
> distinct feature is a light line down the center of the leaves, visible
> from the top side of the leaf, not the bottom side. And the leaves are
> narrow at their base, then wide in the middle. In some ways it resembles a
> Hippeastrum. Just today someone mentioned Either blumenavia and that looks
> vaguely similar. I will post again after it opens.
> Any guesses?
> Gastil
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