Seeking Knowledge

Michael Kent
Sat, 07 Dec 2019 16:40:19 PST

I've been growing rain lilies for about ten years. Over the last few
years,  I've vastly increased the number of species I grow. Prior to last
year, the rain lilies would go dormant within a week or two of being
brought in. Last year, there were a number of them that were a bit
reluctant to go dormant, but then we were having 80 degree days up until a
few days after Thanksgiving. I attributed their reluctance to that (when I
bring my plants in for the winter, I bring them into the garage, and then
transition them into the basement as they begin to dry out and die back). I
rarely water while they're in the garage, and stop entirely when they go in
the basement.

I have also been attempting some hybridization for the last couple of
years. I don't currently have the time available to separate out blooms
before they open, etc. so I have just been tracking which blooms are open
when, and planting a sample of any resulting seeds. I keep the seedlings
going all Winter long their first Winter.

This Spring was gloomy and cold for us, we didn't really have any days
above mid-forties until mid-June. A number of my bulbs were late coming out
of dormancy.

As I said, it's about 50% of the (mostly) rain lilies total that aren't
going dormant. Same percentages for both the late coming out of dormancy
bulbs & never experienced dormancy before bulbs. The basement does have a
higher humidity level than average because we're on a lake, there's a very
high water table. The sump pump is always full (and pumping) all year.
However, a dehumidifier keeps it below 40%. For some reason that I haven't
been able to figure out, the temperature in the basement has been 5-8
degrees warmer than in previous years (even though the outside temp has
been hovering right around 30 since Halloween). I don't see how 40%
humidity and 50-55 degree temperatures would keep plants going without any
water for nearly two months.


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