Boophone haemanthoides

M Gastil-Buhl via pbs
Fri, 26 Jun 2020 16:04:26 PDT
Thank you for the info so far. Next Boophane haemanthoides question:

The bulb is about 1 inch diameter. So it will be several years before its
first bloom. I had planned to plant it in a very large planter to show off
its leaves. The pot is glazed ceramic, 12"x12" square at top and 36" tall.
I got the planter last fall with this species in mind. But now I wonder if
the young bulb would need re-potting several times before it grew into this
size pot. My impression is this species does not like to be re-potted.
Should I plant it in the big pot? Or something smaller for the next few
years? I do not want to plant it directly in the ground due to gophers but
also its foliage would get smothered. I could put it in the most sunny
plunge bed until it grows up.

I want to plant this bulb right away as I can see its roots are perennial.
It arrived carefully wrapped in paper towels, in good condition.

Santa Barbara
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