Pacific Bulb Society Bx/Sx

Robin Hansen
Tue, 31 Mar 2020 19:53:37 PDT
Hi, Luminita,

I'm just reviewing what you sent out.  I think before we go a step further, we need to review what you wrote to the list.  It looks like a few details might be missing.  Mary Sue brought up one regarding the 5mm restriction which is meant to apply only to overseas donors.  We need to clarify that so if you would please look through my list and your list and let's consolidate before going any further. If Mary Sue was confused, that means others who don't have her background and longevity with PBS will be too... Also, have you had a chance to converse with Del?  I think that would help us as would Arnold, although I've been hesitating to call him, wanting to give him a few more days of recovery. This would be in regard to clarifying credits, etc. as I'm thinking we need to get a better grip on them.

I did send in a correction to the first page that comes up if you click on Bulb Exchange on the website and I've attached that with the added note that overseas members need to contact you before donating or ordering (reference David's email of March 7). Plus this needs to go in announcements.  I missed that one completely.

I'll work on clarifying tomorrow first thing - can't go anywhere as my new stove seems to have a burner malfunctioning and the repairman is coming.  I'll be home so we can talk.  It really irritates me that something this new has a malfunction already!!XX??  In the last two days I've had 2 inches of rain, not very common for almost April.

Just a minor point - would you mind spelling out exchange (not Xchange), please?  I guess my reaction is based on too many - what are they called, I know there's a name for  them - well, an example would be USNMCR or US Navy Marine Corps Reserve.  Mostly I can figure them out, but lately in too many headlines on Guardian, BBC, NYT (hah, NY Times), they use two or three letters for ? and by the end of the article I still don't know what they're talking about.  Am I just totally out of it? Not with it? Or?

Pulling weeds is much easier than parsing words...

Regards, Robin

-----Original Message-----
From: pbs [] On Behalf Of Luminita vollmer
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2020 1:26 PM
To: Pacific Bulb Society
Subject: [pbs] Pacific Bulb Society Bx/Sx

Hello everyone - It’s time for a few Xchanges!

A high level overview of the process is included here and on the PBS
website.  A few of the board members have provided input and going forward,
we will use this process. Keep in mind that we are open to making changes
if needed, so that everyone has the same opportunities. We also need your
help to make this work!

For each Xchange there are 2 components:

1. Donations Request

2. Xchange Offerring

1. I will post a Donations Request on the pbs list. Members and friends of
the group will send seeds or bulbs (including corms, tubers, and rhizomes)
that they wish to share with other members. If anyone feels they don’t want
to receive that e-mail, please let me know by sending me an e-mail at the
Xchange address.

All members can send in seeds and bulbs, and I would prefer to receive them
after a Donations Request is mailed. It will allow me to be on the
lookout.  However, the seeds and bulbs that can remain alive under normal
storage conditions can be mailed in at any time. The seeds and bulbs that
need to be planted in 3-4 weeks should be sent being marked that way.  The
bulbs donated should not need to stay in special storage. Bulbs cannot be
larger than 5mm, but use your own judgement if you believe they can be sent
in an envelope. I will use bubbled envelopes to mail bulbs!  Each Donations
Request will last 2 weeks.

Donors can help by packaging the seeds and /or bulbs to help expedite the
creation of the Xchange Offering ( smaller packets, or count of bulbs,
botanical name, no granules of dirt or chaff etc.)

2. Xchange Offering will be announced 2 weeks after a Donations Request. It
will last for 3 days.

The Xchange will include a list of seeds and bulbs by Botanical name, Date
of collection, Donor’s name , Synonym name if it exists. I will acknowledge
all requests with a confirmation reply. If you don’t get one, let me know
and send your order in again.

I will apply several layers of rules to the Xchange Offering distribution:

Only current dues-paying members can get bulbs and seeds. If you are not
current, I will send you an e-mail.

Members with 2 or more invoices to be paid will not receive an order, I
will send you a reminder  e-mail.

Donor members will get priority but I will randomize the entries, to ensure
everyone among the donor group has equal chances.

        If you order more than 10 items from the list of offerings, please
mark with an asterix your top 10.

Donor members will receive one credit on the order.

A bulb order is $3.00 and a seed order is $2.00. The seed order will have
5-7 seeds or enough seeds for a 4 in pot.

The offering is open for 3 days, followed by a formal closing e-mail. I
will include in the offering e-mail all the information you need to send in
your order.

Xchange Requests will be mailed to:

Payments for the BX/SX  can be made by:

cash or check (money orders *not* accepted) to the PBS treasurer, Arnold

* Arnold Trachtenberg*

* 140 Lakeview Ave.*

* Leonia, NJ 07605* *USA*

PayPal form at

And remember - we are all new at this, I can make changes if something can
be improved, please let me know. Good luck to me and you all!

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