Notholirion thomsonianum

Jane McGary via pbs
Tue, 27 Apr 2021 17:03:23 PDT
To answer Steve's questions, this species is pretty hardy. I grew it up 
in the Cascade foothills where it survived temperatures in the teens F. 
I did notice that one flowering Notholirion that got into a gravel area 
never watered in summer has poor foliage. This species does best if 
given a fairly dry summer dormancy; in the case of the group shown, that 
is provided by the greedy surface roots of the large deciduous magnolia. 
I water the area weekly, though. As for wind, the photographed plants 
went through two strong windstorms while well developed this spring.

Jane McGary, Portland, Oregon, USA

On 4/27/2021 2:35 PM, stephen willson via pbs wrote:
> Jane,
> Your Notholirion thomsonianum look so happy in the ground!  Mine just look sad and scruffy-leaved and did not flower this year.  I'm supposedly in Zone 8B (Mt. Vernon-area in the Skagit Valley north of you) but my peonies are not as far along as yours, so I wonder if you are just that bit warmer (7B maybe) and that this is the difference between a happy and sad Notholirion?  I agree about them not being ideal for the fastidious gardener - I've thought of digging mine all up and donating them to the BX several times.  Seeing yours in flower makes me think I might perhaps wait another year...  Do you think the light shade is helpful?  Mine are in somewhat of an open sunny spot, and because near the coast if it often breezy here maybe this contributes to their sad looks.
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