Galanthus Theresa Stone/ NOW Forum comments

R Hansen via pbs
Mon, 27 Dec 2021 09:01:03 PST
Asexual reproduction of snowdrops must have been going on for a very long
time, as I found a lot of information. Bob Nold recommended Judy's website,
Anne Wright's website is great and there were a number of others. It was
like trying different flavors of ice cream to decide which works best for

Bob, your photo of snowdrops did not come through so hopefully David will
sort that when he has a minute. 

On another subject, yes, folks we are still working on a forum, but what has
happened is that a whole host of questions has also been generated and these
questions have to be answered also. We'll get there with what we hope will
be lots of good, workable changes. We're testing ahead of time to make sure
everything works well, so please forgive the slow pace. PBS has spent years
building up information resources and those  must continue to be available.

I myself, as Bulb Garden editor, utilize the wiki and whatever else I can
find before I seek other sources or in addition to other sources. I've found
a lot of so-called plant knowledge websites somewhat lacking at times so
PBS's information is really essential to my work.

Robin Hansen
Southwestern Oregon 

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