Galanthus Theresa Stone

R Hansen via pbs
Mon, 27 Dec 2021 08:15:31 PST
Bob Nold reports that "'Theresa Stone' is indeed a selection of G. elwesii.
I got mine from
Louise, too, in 2000. In my garden it has not been slow to increase, by any
means..." Bless Louise for her generosity. If anyone is in contact with her,
please express our appreciation for frequent and wide-flung donations of
this snowdrop.

Possibly Bob's good increases in the garden are because Theresa Stone is
surrounded by other Galanthus with plenty of pollen to share???

However, his brief comment below his signature is one I find to have
frightening implications...17 mm of moisture since August 1? Bob is in the
Denver, CO area. This really doesn't sound good. And here I sit with a
plethora of moisture, so much so that every step I take goes "squish,

And more of the same this morning, crunchy snow/hail/whatever with more to
come tomorrow. It does leave a nice layer on the plants in the can yard for
protection, although the lowest temp is 27 F. But still, time to send this
stuff east!

Robin Hansen
Southwestern Oregon
27 F and snowing

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