Fritillaria burnatii or what

Mary Sue Ittner via pbs
Mon, 15 Feb 2021 11:02:14 PST
I often find when I have a few minutes to work on the wiki that it turns 
into much longer as I try to sort out what the current thinking is on 
what to call a plant we have pictured on the wiki. In this case the 
photos were from Ian Young. I'm also missing Jim McKenney who was so 
good about explaining about spelling of plant names. After puzzling 
about where to put the photos I remembered if as long as we include the 
namers of a plant name we are safe so I put the photos with Fritillaria 
burnatii which may now be considered to be Fritillaria meleagris ssp. 
burnatii or Fritillaria tubaeformis var. burnatii or even Fritillaria 
tubiformis var. burnatii. Below is what I wrote, but am happy to hear 
from Fritillaria experts about what to call it.

Fritillaria burnatii (Planch.) Backh. was considered by The Plant List 
in 2012 to be a synonym of Fritillaria meleagris ssp. burnatii (Planch.) 
Rix. That subspecies was named in 1978. It is described by Plants of the 
World Online on the Fritillaria meleagris page as having purple 
perianth-segments, filaments that are smooth or sparsely covered with 
short, rounded projections, a smooth style, and as found in alpine 
pastures in France and Italy. However that subspecies is not listed in 
Plants of the World Online in 2021 and Fritillaria burnatii is listed as 
a synonym of Fritillaria tubaeformis var. burnatii (Planch.) Rouy (named 
in 1910.) IPNI and Plants of the World Online have it named under that 
spelling, but Wikipedia says the correct spelling of that species should 
be Fritillaria tubiformis.

Ian's photos are here:…

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