
Jane McGary via pbs
Mon, 04 Apr 2022 09:21:25 PDT
Dylan's attractive Conanthera is one I haven't seen at the site where 
the seed was collected, Pichidangui, but mention of it recalls happy 
memories. Pichidangui is a little town on the Chilean coast northwest of 
Santiago, and north of the busy conurbation of Valparaiso. Friends and I 
enjoyed making it our first stop after picking up a car at the Santiago 
airport -- there are several inexpensive hotels there.  The botanical 
high point for me is a rocky beach with public access off the shoreline 
street with a wonderful mass of Alstroemeria pelegrina, clearly 
tolerating salt spray and probably briny groundwater. There are many 
other plants in this habitat, including delightful flowering cacti. I'll 
see if I can attach photos.

Jane McGary, Portland, Oregon, USA

On 4/3/2022 9:08 PM, Hannon via pbs wrote:
> I received seeds of a number of bulbous species from Chileflora in 2009.
> Most of them germinated well and this Conanthera is perhaps the best of the
> lot-- a large flowered form (flowers 4cm long) of C. trimaculata,
> photographed yesterday. It came as C. campanulata from Pichidangui,
> hopefully the locality is still correct. First bloom was 2-3 years ago.
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