Lilium formosanum advice

fritchick via pbs
Wed, 31 Aug 2022 12:32:43 PDT
Leo and Robin:
In my experience I have found formosanum to be dead easy, but not long
lived.  They will happily provide many many seeds to keep the show going,
Leo, this is a one and done for each season as they have a long growing
season.  I think you're just going to have to assure it has a chilly
dormancy.  I don't think they are *too *fussy, but perhaps some shade in
the hottest part of the day where you are?
Robin, I have the more diminutive cultivar too and I find it so charming.
I have had this bulb for about five years which seems pretty good to me.
It's got fat fruits at present and I'm hoping to get nice seed to donate
and bring on myself.  Mine is still up and green, so I think you should
continue to water yours if you're dry.

On Wed, Aug 31, 2022 at 3:10 PM R Hansen via pbs <> wrote:

> I too, as Leo did, bought a young Lilium formosanum for the first time this
> spring and it flowered! I was shocked. It's the ssp or var pricei which is
> supposed to be shorter. It's outside in full sun in a pot and gets water
> regularly so it's still green. I have read that they flower within two
> years
> of sowing as does L. wardii which also flowered much to my delight. Both
> are
> fragrant. I haven't a clue whether to let it go dormant now or let it go
> naturally as do my other lilies. Once we get rain or nights get cooler, I
> don't water nearly as much and a lot of my plants slide into dormancy.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Robin Hansen
> Cool and cloudy in Southwestern Oregon
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