Plant Labels

Jane McGary via pbs
Tue, 08 Feb 2022 10:06:14 PST
I made some labels with aluminum blinds and paint pens, but the writing 
deteriorated soon. Then I got some weatherproof clear labels (the kind 
used with inkjet printers) and stuck them over the painted writing after 
it dried, and these have, so far, survived well in the bulb house 
(unheated, overhead irrigated); haven't tried them in the open.

Jane McGary, Portland, Oregon, USA

On 2/7/2022 8:45 PM, Lamon Ready via pbs wrote:
> Judy,
>   l sometimes find aluminum blinds that so far have worked good. There are some vinal ones that are 'slick' that pencils don't work well on. l use fine point paint markers from the Marker Depot in California. Not totally as good as l would like, but quite durable. l use scissors cutting mostly straight, never thought about cutting at an angle.
>   ln the past, l've used aluminum cans with a pencil writing on the label on something that gives, making an indented plant name on it.
>   Kinda cold in SW-- Ga, Lamon
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